with wget

wget https://files.magerun.net/n98-magerun.phar
chmod +x ./n98-magerun.phar

with curl

curl -sS -O https://files.magerun.net/n98-magerun.phar
chmod +x ./n98-magerun.phar

with wget

wget https://files.magerun.net/n98-magerun2.phar
chmod +x ./n98-magerun2.phar

with curl

curl -sS -O https://files.magerun.net/n98-magerun2.phar
chmod +x ./n98-magerun2.phar

Latest Version

n98-magerun-latest.phar SHA256: b3e09dafccd4dd505a073c4e8789d78ea3def893cfc475a214e1154bff3aa8e4
GPG Signature: n98-magerun-latest.phar.asc
2023-09-01 22:02 Magento 1
n98-magerun2-latest.phar SHA256: 35377402bd94c8ee19c3aecbc52f9bb6f6f9b4970447d1d7884fb6cfbb8cdf9b
GPG Signature: n98-magerun2-latest.phar.asc
2024-04-26 17:22 Magento 2

Development Versions

n98-magerun-dev.phar SHA256: 2f0cf9bc77a6380a12cd48a55d328f5aba05ee79e2ce798cca06fad2375c3655
GPG Signature: n98-magerun-dev.phar.asc
2024-07-25 16:19 Magento 1
n98-magerun2-dev.phar SHA256: 9d4a39023d80c2ad89a2a6c2643ab617e1fa482a59694c69023978c07157c2ad
GPG Signature: n98-magerun2-dev.phar.asc
2024-07-15 10:55 Magento 2

Compatiblity List

n98-magerun2 - Last PHP 7.3 compatible version v6.1.1
n98-magerun2 - Last Magento 2.3.x compatible version v5.2.0
n98-magerun2 - Last PHP 7.2 compatible version v4.7.0
n98-magerun2 - Last Magento 2.2.x compatible version v3.2.0
n98-magerun2 - Last Magento 2.1.x compatible version v3.2.0
n98-magerun2 - Last Magento 2.0.x compatible version v2.3.3
n98-magerun1 - Last PHP <7.2 compatible version v1.103.2
Old Versions

Old Versions

List of all old .phar files for download
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